Partial Dentures

Missing teeth should not be ignored, partial dentures are an option

Do you still have some, but not all, of your natural teeth?
Partial Dentures are a solution to replace some of your missing teeth.
A removable partial denture replaces one or more missing natural teeth, which can help restore a natural appearance and greatly improve the ability to chew efficiently and speak clearly.
Missing teeth should not be ignored.

What are the different types of partial dentures?
There are generally three types of partial dentures: cast partial denture, acrylic partial denture, and flexible partial dentures. Cast partial dentures and acrylic partial dentures have clasps that can be adjusted where flexible partials’ clasps generally can’t be tightened or loosened, however there are different flexible materials to be used for removable partial dentures.
Our team of denturists at Charing Cross Implant denture clinic can fabricate flexible partials using Thermosens material which is one type of flexible partial that can be repaired, relined and rebased and clasps adjusted.

We Can Provide Partial Dentures To Correct Your Smile. A Partial Denture Is Essential!

Why a partial denture is essential
The position, stability and number of natural teeth that you have remaining are only a few of the factors that help to determine what style or type of partial denture would be best for you. Partial dentures can be made of different materials, including acrylics, a metal/acrylic combination or flexible thermoplastics.
Your denturist team at Charing Cross Implant Denture Clinic will assess and review this with you at your initial consultation to determine the type of options that would suit your situation best.

Cast Partial Dentures
Are fabricated using metal frameworks which are stronger, thinner and can be designed for teeth to be added in the future (if needed). Cast partial dentures are stronger than acrylic partial dentures.
Depending on your dental needs and the health of your natural teeth your team of denturists at Charing Cross Implant denture clinic can discuss with you the type of removable partial dentures during your consultation the possibility of an acrylic vs. cast partial denture.

Acrylic Partial Dentures
Material called methyl methacrolate that comes in a shade which mimics the color of your gums. These types of dentures can easily be relined, repaired and have teeth additions made.

Flexible Dentures
If you are looking for an alternative to cast partial or acrylic partial because of aesthetic reasons or allergies to those materials then Themosens may be the solution for you. The flexible material is virtually* unbreakable and essentially disappears in the mouth; there is no worry about unsightly metal clasps showing. This particular flexible material is a nylon base and can be repaired and relined.